A Small Silence

Prof is an ex-prisoner, activist and retired academic, who resolves to live a life of darkness after his release from prison. He holes up in his apartment, pushing away friends and family, and embraces his status as an urban legend in the neighbourhood until a knock at the door shakes his existence. His visitor is Desire, an orphan and final year student, who has grown up idolising Prof, following a fateful encounter in her hometown of Maroko, Nigeria as a child. Tentatively, the two begin to form a bond, as she returns every night at 9pm to see him. However, the darkness of the room becomes a steady torment, that threatens to drive Desire away for good. A Small Silence is a layered and beautiful exploration of trauma and its aftermath, and a testament to the enduring power of human connection.

i am memory

A themed collection of poems arranged in four movements and centered on the broad theme of memory, expressed mainly through emotions of loss, dispossession and despair. I am memory highlights the human condition as remembered in lucid moments, aided with a measured control of line and verse by a poet of promising abilities. – Addresses universal issues and issues specific to Nigerian realities. – Powerful and evocative poems in readable language. – Contains four memorable illustrations that precede each movement. – A slim volume packed with poignant poetry, to be read and re-read.

The Birth of Illusion

In this poetry anthology, Verissimo explores in detail the themes of loss, pain, love and blood. She reveals an empathy and a proficiency that is tough, touching and profound.